HIVE Uganda Blind beekeeping News

Bee Champion for Rural blind people in Northern Uganda

This is a project that will train 30 blind people in bee keeping and give them start up support of four bee hives, harvesting suits, air tied buckets, bee brush, bee smoker and hive tools. The project is supported by KSBS the Netherland based organization which started partnering with HIVE Uganda in 2020. The project is co-funded by The Bartiméus Fund.

There will be experience shared learning between blind people who are doing beekeeping already and the new one joining bee keepings. Exchange visit to other bee farmers by team of trained blind people will in promoted for inclusive shared learning and the inclusive cooperative society will be strengthen to promote marketing as well as sustainability. The team from HIVE Uganda are now engaged in the field for identification of new beneficiaries.

Please if you know any blind person or you are friend or family members that stay with people with visual impairment do bring them to our team when they reaches your community.

In a special way we would like to thanks KSBS and The Bartimeus Fund for supporting HIVE Uganda to continue empowering blind people through beekeeping. This is making us served the merginalised people in rural northern Uganda.

Please, do support blind bee keeping if you can.

Some of the pictures showing our previous work

Checking the local hive colonisation for a visually impaired beekeeper

Checking the local hive colonisation for a visually impaired beekeeper

A guide preparing the lid for the local bee hive in one of the bee farm for a blind person

A guide preparing the lid for the local bee hive in one of the bee farm for a blind person

Preparing iron sheet to put as lid by the guide of a blind bee farmer.

Preparing iron sheet to put as lid by the guide of a blind bee farmer.

Some Impressions